Saint Elizabeth distributes alms by Rotari
Español Saint Elizabeth distributes alms by Pietro Antonio Rotari (1762) (Die Heilige Elisabeth verteilt Almosen) Pietro Antonio Rotari was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. Born in Verona, and died in Saint Petersburg, where he had traveled to paint for the Russian court. His portraits, mostly of women, are renowned for being beautiful and realistic. Rotari's works were generally limited to royal portraits held by notables such as emperors and court ladies. This painting depicts Saint Elizabeth disitributing donations, during her daily beatitude practices. Her distinguished appearence contrasts to the many beggars surrounding her. This practices demonstrate her honest interest in the well fair of her nation, as well as how she found the face of Jesus Christ in the face of the less fortunate, just as Saint Francis did with the lepper. Get this image, now on sale This original image is in the public domain, however, the file now offered is a manually restored version of this