Stigmatta corridor

Inside Della Verna Sanctuary, this corridor is fully painted with frescoes, displaying episodes from the life of Saint Francis and, in particular, from his time in the hermitic on Mount Della Verna. The original frescoes were quickly ruined by bad weather but have been restored. 

Currently 21 scenes can be admired, 18 of which were made by Baccio between 1929 and 1962, to replace the 17th-century frescoes of Emanuele da Como, which had already been renovated in 1840 by Giovanni Ademollo. 

All these previous works have not been completely lost, but are still visible. The Stigma Chapel represents the heart of the Sanctuary. It is located on the place where Sint Francis received the Stigma and was built in 1263. On the floor is a commemorative tablet that indicates the exact point where the miracle occurred.
