Last two years of the life of St Francis

The universal sympathy of Saint Francis makes us wonder how the last years of the saint's life were. These last two years can be summarized in three major events:
  1. Stigmatization in Della Verna mountain
  2. The celebration of birth in Greccio
  3. The return to the Porciuncula to welcome the sister death
The trip to Egypt affected Francis' sight to the point of being almost completely blind. The last two years of his life were of great physical suffering. The deterioration of his body, and diseases caused him pain all the time, but Francis offered all this to God all as penance, because he considered himself a great sinner and also wanted the salvation of souls. His brothers said it was during his illness, where he felt a greater need to sing.

In the summer of 1225 he was so sick that Cardinal Ugolino and Brother Elias forced him to visit the Pope's doctor in Rieti. The Saint obeyed simply. On the way to Rieti he went to visit Clare in the convent of St. Damiano. There, in the midst of the most acute physical sufferings, he wrote the "Song of Brother Sol" and adapted it to a popular tune so that his brothers could sing it.

His brothers then took him to Siena to consult other doctors, but by then Francis was already dying. It was time to write his will that he dictated for his friars, where he recommended practicing fraternal charity, exhorting them to love and observe holy poverty, and to love and honor the Church.

He dictated a new testament, where he recommended his brothers to faithfully observe the rule and work, not for profit, but to avoid idleness and set a good example.

When Francis returned to Assisi, the Bishop hosted him in his own house, and there he received the news that he had very little time to live. "Welcome, Sister Death!" Francis Exclaimed.

His wish was to be transported to the Porciúncula, to die there. On the way he asked to be stopped for a moment, to bless the city of Assisi.

His friend, Fray Jacoba, was called, and came in time to say goodbye, and he was still happy to send a final message for Clare and his sisters.

He died on October 3, 1226, after hearing the reading of the Passion of the Lord according to St. John.

Saint Francis of Assisi: pray to Jesus that we may love him as intensely as you did love him!

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