who were the first secular franciscans

After his stay in Bologna, Francis returned to Florence. Whenever he could, he stayed at home with his brothers. Camaldoli is the most likely place where the Penitent Brothers Rule originated, that is, of the Secular Franciscan Order, which had been founded just a year earlier. Francisco's new order, for the laity, began in 1221, and as the Memorial puts it, it is about Brothers and Sisters in Penance. Most likely, the acceptance of this new branch of the family has been determined in the Chapter of the mats, which had happened that year, by a common agreement of the ministers and the other capitulants who were present... (continue reading after advertising)

Penitents have always existed in the Church, since the fourth century there were public sinners seeking reconciliation with the Church, following an itinerary of penitential life. This meant that they were expelled from living in the community, using the habit of penance, performing prayers and abiding by prohibitions. In Francisco's time, those former penitents were eager to continue penitential practices, but following new characteristics. The intention was to meet in fraternities, to fulfill the same purpose of life, accepting people who were married or single, but without breaking their family commitments with them... (continue reading after advertising)

In 1212, following the preaching of Francis in Cannara, when he really considered the fact of founding a secular order, for the universal salvation of all. Francisco saw the large number of people who wanted to leave everything and follow him, but were already married. In Italy, where there were not many penitents, in 1215 there is an explosion of these groups, coinciding with the expansion of the younger brothers. In the Anonymous of Perugia we read "we have wives and families, and we cannot abandon them, teach us, then, a way of salvation that we can follow. And then they founded an order called Penitents, and they made him confirm by the Supreme Pontiff." The First Life of Thomas of Celano (of 1229) states that the order of the penitents was the first fruit of the itinerant preaching of Francis and his companions.

You might also like to read the II letter to the faithful, to those wo do penance 
