Nativity by Remigio Soler


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Remigio Soler Tomas was born in Agres in 1897 into a large family of humble laborers. He studied at the School of Applied Arts and Artistic Trades, having as a teacher the painter Salvador Abril y Blasco. His desire to be a sculptor was soon curtailed for financial reasons.

At 18 he enrolled in the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Carlos. A fellow student of the sculptor Pascual Sempere and the painter Martinez Mulet, between 1920 and 1926 they jointly rented the old studio of the Valencian painter Fillol. There, important works of sculpture, polychromy and painting were carried out and valuable projects were forged.

During the period of the Civil War, he dedicated himself to painting sets, backdrops, curtains and posters in the Ruzafa theater in Valencia; and landscapes, baseboards, ceilings and garlands in wealthy homes.

After the Civil War, he resumed religious painting, doing immense work in this field. The Capuchins of L’Olleria commissioned him, in different phases, to decorate the church with mural paintings and some oil paintings with Capuchin saints for various conventual spaces.

He died in Agullent in 1983; three years before he had been named Favorite Son of Agres, his native land, where he has a square dedicated.
