Prayer to Saint Francis
Seraphic Father of mine, prodigy of holiness, portent of Atlantean grace from heaven, wonder of the world, living image of Jesus Christ, apostolic man, judge of understandings, martyr and desire, sustainacle of faith, sword against heretics, creed of wonders of God to whom the brutes obey, the fish listen, the happy birds celebrate, to whose voice the seas and elements surrender, and nature obeys, seeing itself subject against its powers; The tombs tremble, with so many wonders, that they throw alive those they hid the dead.
Repairer of the world who as a resounding clarion of the Gospel, with the lights of your teaching, you exhorted and converted princes, magistrates, towns and cities. Vessel of choice, consolation of the afflicted, patriarch of the poor, staff of the elderly, patron of widows, defense of orphans, medicine of the sick, minister of the Holy Trinity, angel, seraphim, patriarch, prophet, confessor, virgin, ensign of Jesus Christ, column of the Church, in whom, standing, our Redeemer deposited the triumphs and signs of our redemption.
We beg you that through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ and through your intercession, you may not receive the favors that we ask of you in this prayer; if it is for the greater honor and glory of God Our Lord, in whose will we resign ourselves in accordance: that our desire is to see him, our love is to lose him, our joy is to love him, our pain is not to enjoy him; The life of our soul is his grace, which we desire to praise him eternally in glory. Amen.
(State your intention, through the intercession of the Saint, for what each one wishes to achieve; and then five Our Fathers and five Hail Marys with Glory, etc. are prayed, in memory of the five wounds that Christ impressed on the body of Our Father Saint Francis).
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