Saint Francis receives the stigmatta by Fedele da San Biagio


Padre Fedele da San Biagio (1784), San Francisco de Asís recibe los estigmas

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Matteo Sebastiano Palermo Tirrito also known as Padre Fedele da San Biagio, was an Italian religious monk, writer and painter, being the son of a family of Lords and Nobles of San Biagio, Nicola Palermo-Tirrito and Maria Cardella, paternal grandparents were Giuseppe Palermo and Domenica Tirrito. 

At a very young age he entered the archiepiscopal seminary of Agrigento, where in addition to his classical studies, he cultivated the art of painting, for which he showed himself to be particularly gifted. He received the religious habit in 1739 at the convent of Caltanissetta, and was ordained a priest in 1745.

Pupil of Olivio Sozzi in Palermo, of Sebastiano Conca in Rome where he attended the the Accademia di San Luca. He made a new stay in the Eternal City in 1765 for about a year, a stay characterized by an intense pictorial production to be donated to the pope, the cardinals and the fathers of the Congregation of the Sacred Rites.

He became the official painter of the Capuchin Order of the Sicilian province, he created a complex cycle depicting patriarchs and founding saints of the religious orders for the Capuchin convent of Palermo. The pictorial production includes 156 painted altarpieces and around 3000 works of various sizes present partly in Alcamo, Ciminna, Palermo, Ribera, Sciacca, Civitavecchia, Rome and Viterbo.

His mummified body is buried in the Capuchin catacombs attached to the church of Santa Maria della Pace in Palermo.

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