Pope Honorius III Approving the Rule of Saint Francis of Assisi

 Pope Honorius III Approving the Rule of Saint Francis of Assisi. c. 1500. Made in Spain, Europe

Bartolome del Castro was a Spanish painter, active in Palencia, died 1507). His style is described as having large and awkward figures, has been able to be established thanks to a few signed works, beginning with that of Saint Dominic from the Lazaro Galdiano Museum from which it was possible to assign three other panels to the painter. 

The expressive force of his figures stands out in his paintings, as well as the attention and care with which he represents certain details. The present panel may come from a large altarpiece dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi.

The scene shows the saint receiving papal approval for the rule he wrote for his followers, requiring them to take a vow of poverty. The friars vow humbly before the Pope, as he blesses their new born Way of Life.

You can see this painting inside the Philadephia Museum of Art

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