Saint Francis and Angel by Pedro Subercaseaux

Illustration by Pedro Subercaseaux Errazuriz

Pedro Leon Maximiano Maria Subercaseaux Errazuriz was a Chilean painter, son of the painter and diplomat Ramon Subercaseaux Vicuna. He painted many portraits about events from the history of Chile, such as the Crossing of the Andes. He married in 1907, but the Pope later annulled their marriage so that they could both get into religious orders.

In 1927, Pedro was ordained a Benedictine priest. From then on, he devoted himself to the creation of works of art with religious content, such as the illustration of books on the life of San Francisco and San Benito and the decoration of churches for different parishes throughout Chile. 

This illustration is known as "St. Francis of Assisi and the Angel with a heavenly violin", and was originally published on Seraphische Sonntagsstunden (1931)

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