Sacred Heart of Jesus and Secular Franciscan Order



The Franciscan Order has very particular titles that bind it strongly and sweetly to the Sacred Heart. It is the Seraphic Order. It is natural that for this reason the same Sacred Heart told Santa Margarita, a Franciscan Tertiary and formed in a Franciscan House, that her model was the Seraphim of Assisi. Undoubtedly Saint Francis was "the Saint most especially identified with his adorable Heart", and who gave it to him as "guide of his spirit". Undoubtedly for this reason, since ancient times, long before Saint Margaret Mary, the Sacred Heart was enthroned on the Official Shield of the Franciscan Order. 

This Order could be properly called the "Order of the Sacred Heart", with its Traditions, Laws, Weapons, History, Children... Saint Margaret of Cortona, Mystic and Franciscan Tertiary, in the 12th century, saw the Sacred Heart in ecstasy and prophesied which would be known Devotion later. Saint Anthony of Padua was seen as a precious pearl within the Heart of Jesus. Saint Buenaventura spoke sweetly of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in the 13th century, and had his image painted, surrounding him with a Crown of Thorns.

Saint Margaret Mary of Alacoque asked the Lord to show her a Saint who would serve as a guide and model in her Devotion and Love to her Most Sacred Heart, and Jesus Christ, on October 4, 1686, appeared to her in the company of Saint Francis of Assisi. and he proposed it to the Saint as an example of his true devotee, assuring her, furthermore, that the Seraphic Founder of the Minors "was the Saint who loved her Heart the most."

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