Chiesa di San Damiano

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Built between the 8th and 9th centuries in honor of San Damiano, this place was an important Benedictine priory. But gradually, became abandoned.

In the summer of 1205, Saint Francis retired to this ruined rural oratory, and this was the place where he heard the voice of Christ for the first time. The central crucifix spoke to him, urging him to rebuild: "Francis, go repair my church since, as you can see, is in ruins."

From these words, Saint Francis obtained the necessary strength, and a reafirmation of his vocation.

The first restoration of San Damiano was carried out by San Francis himself. Later in 1212, he received Saint Clare and her companions, who stayed until moving to their current convent in 1260.

Another important event was in 1224 when Saint Francis composed the Canticle of the Creatures inside this church of San Damiano.

The facade of the temple is simple, and on the upper wall is the door through which Saint Clare made the Saracens flee by showing them the Monstrance. The interior nave is decorated with frescoes from the early 14th century. There is the 16th century chapel that houses a wooden Crucifix, carved by Friar Innocenzo di Palermo, in 1637, and next to it, two stained glass windows that evoke the Canticle of the Creatures.

The Crucifix on the main altar is actually a copy of the original, which is actually kept in the Basilica of Saint Claire.

Photography: Fraciscan Gallery Blog
