Crucifixion with St Fracis by Gregorio di Cecco

Gregorio di Cecco da Lucca was an Italian painter of the Sienese School during the early Renaissance, born in Siena around 1390 and died after 1424.

He was a student of Taddeo di Bartolo, with whom he jointly signed an altarpiece in 1420 for the Marescotti chapel in the church of Sant' Agostino in Siena (now lost). He became Taddeo's partner in 1421 and then his adoptive son, and later heir, following his death in 1422. 

This antique artpiece depicts our Lord, already dead on the cross with his mourning Mother and John the Evangelist dressed in magenta and navy, considered the colors for royalty and piety.
On his part, Francis is, as usual, represented in his dark brown habit, deeply venerating the mysteries of the life of Jesus, especially his death and resurrection.

Since the tempera is not a flexible technique, painting might form cracks, and chips of paint might fall off, specially on an antique piece such as this triptych.

The placing of Saint Francis here at the foot of the cross, where Mary Magdalene normally kneels, might suggest that this portable triptych was commissioned by a Franciscan or by someone who wished his name-patron saint to appear in such a prominent position.

Triptych: Crucifixion with Saint Francis by Gregorio di Cecco
Medium: oil and tempera on panel, gold ground
Size: 12 x 10.4 in.
