Saint Francis gives cord and escapular to Saints Louis and Elizabeth

Saint Francis gives rope and scapular to Saints Louis and Elizabeth. 
Oil on wood. 19th century, unknown author.

In this image, the patrons of the Third Franciscan Order (current Secular Franciscan Order) fall to their knees as the sky opens and contemplate the figure of Our Seraphic Father Saint Francis. Faced with this emotional event, both drop their crowns and scepters, which are symbols of their realized status, to instead receive the cord and scapular from the hands of their founder.

Saint Louis IX seems surprised and touches his chest in surprise. Next to him, Elizabeth joins her hands in prayer, thanking God for the gift received. It is important to note that both were already wearing the Franciscan habit, bound by the traditional cord. Isabel even wears simple sandals, however, the author emphasizes the fact of receiving these symbols from Francisco's own hands.

Finally, four angels witness this transcendental event.
