St Francois donne le voile a ste claire
"St Francois D Assise done la voile a Ste Claire"
In this card of French origin, Saint Clare is represented, kneeling before Saint Francis, while he covers her hair with the veil typical of consecrated women. Clare would have fled from her paternal home on the night of Palm Sunday in the year 1212. In this night scene full of golden stars, Francis receives her, thus giving birth to the women's branch of the Franciscan Order.
In the background, on the left side, it is possible to see part of the hermitage of San Damiano, so loved by Saint Francis, but which he later would lovingly give up to house his new sisters.
At the bottom of the card, the legend in French titles the image as "Saint Francis of Assisi, gives the veil to Saint Clare."
This original image is in the public domain, however, the file now offered is a manually restored version of this artwork, in a higher resolution. Manually restoration was necessary in order to improve quality, without covering the original image. Imperfections due to historical aging of the source may still be present.
This image is a public domain image, which means either that copyright has expired in the image or the copyright holder has waived their copyright. Franciscan Gallery charges for the access to high resolution copy of the image. Manually restoration was necessary in order to improve quality, without covering the original image.
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