050771720 Immaculate Conception is declared Queen of the Franciscan Orders

May 7, 1720: The Blessed Mary as the Immaculate Conception is declared Patroness and Queen of the whole Franciscan Order

In 1719, the General Chapter of the Order, meeting in Rome, decided unanimously to declare the Immaculate Conception Principal Patroness of the Three Franciscan Orders. The intention was officially promulgated in the decree of the Chapter approved by Pope Clement Universal to the Immaculate Conception of Mary. MAY 7: THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF MARY IS OFFICIALLY DECLARED ADVOCATE AND PATRONESS OF THE FRANCISCAN ORDER:

It was in the year 1719, in the month of May, that the General Chapter of the Order, meeting in Rome, decided unanimously to declare the Immaculate Conception Principal Patroness of the Three Franciscan Orders. The intention was officially promulgated in the decree of the Chapter approved by Pope Clement Universal to the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

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