The little flowers of St. Francis





   The first English translation of the Fioretti di Santo Francesco d'
   Ascesi, that of Lady Georgina Fullerton, appeared in the year 1864; and
   the first American translation, that by Abby Langdon Alger, was
   published in the year 1887. This is a good four centuries after the
   princeps edition of the Fioretti (Vicenza, 1476), and a half century
   after the "standard" Italian edition by Antonio Cesari (Verona, 1822).
   The tardiness of Anglo-Saxon recognition of this, one of the raciest,
   most spirited, and most beloved of the Italian classics is not to be
   grasped out of hand. Religious considerations, obvious as they might
   seem could not account for the indifference of the fathers of English
   printing. Once published, moreover, the Fioretti made their way in
   their own right. The present century has witnessed numerous other
   translations in England and America and dozens of reprintings in
   America alone. I suspect, rather, that it was a strange case of
   editorial oversight, a nugget of gold that was there for anyone, yet
   was for centuries overlooked. The title may have had something to do
   with it. The phrase "Little Flowers" has, in English, a vague aroma of
   sentiment and propaganda, and by virtue of the diminutive it has
   acquired a similar flavor even in Italian. Suppose this collection of
   tales had been called the "Franciscan Anthology", a title at once more
   exact and more majestic in its associations? Or suppose, somewhat
   facetiously, but still within its spirit, it had been known as the
   "Selected Miracles of Saint Francis and his Brethren"? The story as
   regards the English-speaking world might, I believe, have been

   I have called the Fioretti "tales"; and tales they are, fixed upon
   Saint Francis and his earliest disciples in the way in which legend
   accumulates about any celebrated character in history. But, in this
   case, and in contrast with the situation that usually prevails in
   folklore, the "stories" have a certain authority as history. One
   hundred years of Franciscan scholarship enable us even to evaluate the
   authenticity of the Little Flowers.

   Saint Francis died in 1226. But his amanuensis, secretary, and
   confessor, his beloved brother Leo (who is quoted extensively in the
   Little Flowers), lived on till the year 1271. The Friar, Giovanni dalla
   Penna, one of the early missionaries of the Order in Germany, and
   another of the sources, did not die till 1274. In the year 1257 had
   come the great crisis in the Franciscan Order, whereby the Church,
   frowning darkly on an orgy of religious "revival" which enabled humble,
   ignorant and sometimes stuttering peasants to talk with God in His
   Three Persons sicut amicus cum amico, had given a more ecclesiastical
   temper to the Franciscan "Rule", and aimed at representing mystical and
   miracle-working activity among the friars. This debate was conducted
   bitterly and with some show of force. John of Parma, leader of the
   "zealots" and Saint Bonaventura's predecessor as General of the Order,
   stood, at one moment (1257), condemned to imprisonment for life.

   Already two conceptions of Saint Francis himself were current in the
   Order; and his biography was being recounted in different ways.
   Eventually Saint Bonaventura was to write the "official" biography, and
   to make it more "official" still by burning, so far as he could lay
   hands on them, all conflicting accounts of the Saint's life. Meantime,
   one thing is clear: the party "of good sense" was having many harsh
   things to say of those extremists who courted public ridicule for the
   benefit of their souls by preaching naked in the church pulpits,
   changing capon's drumsticks into nectarines, and doing other things
   disquieting to a theology which liked miracles in the principle but was
   inhospitable toward them in the fact. The harsh words hurt. They hurt
   directly men who had seen God walking in person among the hills of
   Umbria and believed He had rebegotten His Only Begotten in the guise of
   a lad of that humble countryside.

   That was why, perhaps as early as the year 1250, and not much later
   than the year 1261, a monk of the March of Ancona, friend to the
   missionary, Giovanni dalla Penna, and known, or rather unknown, as
   Ugolino of Montegiorgio, began writing his Floretum, or "garden of
   flowers", the flores being simply "notabilia", or "more noteworthy
   things", things omitted from the formal biographies of the Saint, and
   the omission of which distorted and misrepresented, as old-timers knew,
   the spirit and the fact of those glorious days when the Saint was still
   on earth.

   The Floretum of Ugolino of Montegiorgio, in the form in which that
   devoted monk composed it, has been lost to the world, though a copy of
   it seems to have been extant as late as 1623, when Wadding, the great
   Franciscan annalist, was writing his history of the Order in the
   Convent of Saint Isidore in Rome. Just what it contained is not known
   with certainty. Its text has to be reconstructed by inference from the
   numerous re-workings of it made at later times. The direct re-workings
   - they are substantial enlargements - are two in number: one, the Actus
   beati Francisci et sociorum cius, of which the earliest surviving trace
   is a mention in a catalogue of a convent in Assisi, dated 1381; and the
   other, the Fioretti themselves, of which the earliest known manuscripts
   date from 1390 (Berlin) and 1396 (Florence) respectively. Though the
   Actus and the Fioretti, as we know them at present, stand in such close
   relation that they could be word for word translations one of the
   other, the Actus contain twenty-two chapters not appearing in the
   Fioretti, and the Fioretti six chapters not appearing in the Actus. It
   seems necessary to suppose that they derive from some previous, and
   undiscovered, source, more comprehensive than either of them. Of this
   unknown anthology of Franciscan miracles something nevertheless may be
   said. While the Floretum of Ugolino did not extend beyond the year
   1261, the source of the Actus-Fioretti dealt with episodes occurring
   late in 1322; and its compiler knew Ugolino personally and probably
   utilized other writings of Ugolino, which the latter had not exploited
   in the Floretum.


   As is natural with a collection of wonder-stories, that same tendency
   to growth which is manifest in the Actus-Fioretti as compared with the
   re-constructed Floretum, is just as apparent in the history of the
   Fioretti themselves. Two themes in particular were provocative of such
   developments: on the one hand the life of Saint Francis, which moved
   copyists of the Fioretti to supplement their deficiencies as a
   biography with additions from other sources; the other, the parallelism
   between Saint Francis and Jesus, which was always challenging the
   ingenuity of the devout. These similitudes in the Fioretti are, with
   characteristic humility, three; Bartolommeo Pisano, by the end of the
   fourteenth century, increased them to forty; while Pedro Astorga, a
   Spanish monk of the seventeenth century, who wrote with all the
   characteristic vim of the Decadence, raised the number to four
   thousand. Meantime there was a tendency to make the Fioretti an archive
   of all Franciscan miracles - even at an early day those of Saint
   Anthony of Padua began creeping in. That briskness, that contagious
   chuckle, which is hidden in every paragraph of the fresh and vigorous
   Tuscan original of the Fioretti was not long in producing additions in
   the spirit of broad humor. We are encroaching on this sphere in the
   familiar stories of Brother Juniper. We are surely in an outright
   secular world in a fioretto which I picked up in Tuscany in my own
   youth - the story of the Franciscan novice, who, on climbing the
   blistering scorciatoie to his convent after the collect of alms on a
   summer's day, sets his bushel of chestnuts on the ground, wipes his
   brow, and then reflects, with a etaphoric worthy of Brother Elias, and
   a Tuscan crudeness worthy of Brother Ruffino: "What a sell, if there
   should be no heaven!" (Che fre...a se il cielo non c' e).

   As regards, therefore, the many texts of the Fioretti, some of very
   ancient authority, which circulate in the various editions, it may be
   necessary to remember that, whatever the relation of the original of
   the Actus-Fioretti to the Floretum, the Fioretti, proper, must have
   contained fifty-three chapters, plus the five "considerations" on the
   Stigmata of Saint Francis. This content, in fact, aside from internal
   evidence, is vouched for by twenty-six manuscripts of the fifteenth
   century and some of the early printed editions. Without entering into
   the question of the varied adjuncts that were supplied at one time or
   another from one source or another, we may note, simply, the
   derivations of those additions which were accepted, with unsurpassed
   discernment and for their intrinsic merits of spirit or beauty, by
   Father Cesari in his classic edition of the Fioretti (Verona, 1822).
   The "evidences" of the Stigmata presented in our chapters LIV-LVIII
   were derived early in the fifteenth century from the Tractatus de
   miraculous of Thomas of Celano, the earliest biographer and a
   contemporary of the Saint. The "life" of Brother Juniper comes from an
   early Latin manuscript (containing also a "life" of Brother Giles),
   independent of the Actus-Fioretti, but which had been accreted to the
   Fioretti also in the fifteenth century. The "instructions and notable
   sayings of Brother Giles" are by a known Florentine author, Feo
   Belcari, who died in 1484. Despite the several hands that must have
   tinkered with the substance of the Fioretti before they reached their
   more extensive forms, one would not go far amiss in recognizing in a
   work of such surpassing literary charm the imprint of two unusual

   The one must be that unknown monk of Tuscany who translated these
   stories (or compiled them, as the case may be) in such a sparkling and
   vivacious Tuscan idiom, an idiom as simple, direct, and limpid as may
   be imagined, but with an unfailing instinct for the enduring elements
   in a still future Italian language, and an idiom, withal, that retains
   the full vigor and picturesqueness of a peasant intelligence, wise in
   its worldly wisdom but unspoiled by any involutions of culture.

   The second must be that same Ugolino of Montegiorgio, who somehow
   managed to condense into the pages of the old Floretum such a
   distillation of the pure spirit of early Franciscanism as to strike a
   tone and establish a mood which no later re-workings of his text could
   vitiate. In the sphere of fact, we may say that through Ugolino, who
   borrowed from Jacopo dalla Massa, an "eye-witness", and from legends
   going back to Brother Leo, these stories arrive at the very days of
   Saint Francis, without, for that matter, attaining any very great
   amount of historical plausibility. But it is a case where the truth of
   art transcends the truth of fact, and creates a verity more real than
   science or scholarship could by themselves attain. To possess the
   Fioretti is to re-live the early period of Franciscanism much as it was
   lived by the friends and disciples of the Saint.

   But, in this connection, one must raise a warning against reading the
   Little Flowers with that long face of piety which is so easily put on
   in the presence of any literature that has a sacred look. Such
   sentimentalism, which blinds so many devout Christians to the art of
   the Bible for instance, is a variance with the shrewd simplicity of
   this folk masterpiece of Central Italy. What we have here, let us
   insist on the point, is humor; and one who cannot - I will not say
   laugh - one who cannot smile, will have read the Little Flowers in
   vain. I am not so sure that this smile did not, on occasion, play about
   the lips of Brother Ugolino himself. The world of humility, self-denial
   and "love" is one thing; and the world of self-assertion and
   competition is another thing; and they are things so antithetical to
   each other, in their perfection, that the wisdom of the one is the
   lunacy of the other, and vice versa.

   One need not and perhaps should not further analyse the motivation of
   the smile, which is the smile the sophisticated must always have for
   the I. The I is always humor because it tends to simplify the majestic
   and the complex, making it mechanical, but at the same time more
   approachable and more lovable. The smile cannot be a laugh. A tear
   lingers just behind it.

   The artless art of Ugolino (if it be his) was pure art in the sense
   that it presents concepts as image, each image replete with conceptual
   suggestiveness. Saint Francis nibbling at his "second loaf", in order
   not to sin by presumption in etaphor the Lord's fast of forty days; the
   Pope's curiosity to see Saint Clare make the Cross appear in the crust
   of her buns; the two dialogues of the friars with their translated
   brethren; the Saint's long wrestling with the Devil; Satan's revenge by
   causing a landslide with the swish of his tail; the astonishment of the
   "ladies and the cavaliers" at the holy spectacle of the first
   "Chapter"; Brother Bernard's founding of the Order at Bologna - the
   Fioretti are all scenes that could be painted (and were painted, as
   legend asserts, by Giotto). As the pictures multiply, the mood deepens
   in beauty and richness - and we must not forget to smile, meantime; for
   the perfection of humility and Christian love which the friars
   exemplify is attained by the most humble and direct of mechanical
   means. One can well understand the ancient quarrel in the Order. These
   untutored converts of Saint Francis were playing with a magic art,
   which evoked the Devil when it was black, and constrained the
   appearance of the Divinity when of brighter hue (XLIX).

   There is little, if any, theology about these simple friars. Such
   questions belonged to those who were lettered and knew people off in
   the big towns, Rome, perhaps. They cared little about such things,
   having found in faith at all times, and now and again in "rapture", a
   direct access to the benign powers. One feels a sort of regional
   secretiveness in this technique of virtue, which also was practised in
   individual secretiveness, lest pride success give Satan his chance. The
   sweetness of this child-like literalism resides in part, I believe, in
   an absence of a note of spiritual "arrivism", or spiritual "climbing",
   which one so minded can find even offensive in a Dante or a Savonarola.
   These straightforward souls of the brotherhood of Saint Francis wanted
   to keep out of Hell because it was hot, and to get out of Purgatory
   because it was uncomfortable. Yet they, too, like Jesus, visioned a
   love so great that willingly the least of them would have accepted
   damnation so only the world might have been saved. If one seek the
   moral theme in this early Franciscanism, one finds at least a morality
   that is made always for oneself and not for other people. Here again on
   earth were men who judged not, who loved the lost even more than the
   virtuous, and the bandit as much as the cavalier.

   It was, after all, a snug and cosy world, the world in which these
   early Franciscans lived, a world personally supervised by its Creator,
   who walked the earth as a man among men, and who loved His creatures
   with a parent's love, assisted in His care of them by His Son and His
   Son's Mother. Thus warmly had Jesus thought of the world in His time -
   a projection, perhaps, as Renan suggests, of a verdant Galilee
   blossoming in the Syrian desert. This "naturalism" of the early
   Franciscans, so beautifully expressed in the lauds and in the
   "Canticle" of the Saint himself, finds surely in the Little Flowers its
   most complete and beautiful expression. It has been through them that
   the birds who stretched their throats and bowed their heads in approval
   of the Saint's exhortation to praise have ever since made their
   chirping voices heard above the noisy history of Europe. To savor this
   naturalism in its full freshness one need only turn to some expression
   of the naturalisms of a later day, that of the Rousseauians or of our
   own Emerson or Thoreau. These two were efforts to being God back into
   the world (from which He had been exiled by Cartesian logic). But how
   vain the effort! How unsatisfactory a God that is only Nature, and how
   literary and etaphorical a Nature which we must think of as God! It is
   a more real and understandable thing, this Nature of the early
   Franciscans, the "useful", "humble", "comfortable" invention of a God
   who could be used, if one treated Him right, for the humble commonplace
   needs of common everyday people.

   And we have said nothing about Frate Lupo! There are those who say he
   was a man, perhaps a bandit by that name. Anyone who can read the
   Little Flowers without understanding that Frate Lupo was a wolf, will,
   like those who cannot smile, have read them in vain!

   Arthur Livingston





   First let us consider how the life of the glorious St Francis was
   conformed in every act with that of our Blessed Lord. For as Christ,
   before he began to preach, made choice of twelve Apostles, teaching
   them to despise all the things of this world, to follow him in poverty
   and in the practice of all other virtues, so St Francis, on the first
   founding of his Order, chose twelve companions, all lovers of poverty.
   And even as one of the twelve Apostles, being reproved by Christ,
   hanged himself by the neck, so among the twelve companions of St
   Francis was one, called Brother John della Capella, who apostatised,
   and finally hanged himself by the neck. This should be for the elect a
   great example and cause of humility and fear, when they consider how no
   one is certain of persevering in the grace of God to the end. As the
   holy Apostles, being filled with the Spirit of God, shone forth
   mightily before the world in holiness and humility, so too did the
   companions of St Francis; for from the time of the Apostles till this
   present day the world had never seen men so wonderful and so holy.

   One of them, Brother Giles, like St Paul, was raised to the third
   heaven; another, Brother Philip the Tall, like the prophet Isaiah, was
   touched upon the lips with a burning coal by an angel. Brother
   Silvester held converse with God, like one friend with another, as did
   Moses of old. Another, the most humble Brother Bernard, through the
   penetration of his intellect, reached the light of divine science, like
   the eagle - the emblem of St John the Evangelist - and explained all
   the deepest mysteries of Holy Scripture. One there was who was
   sanctified and canonised in heaven, whilst still living on earth; this
   was Brother Ruffino, a nobleman of Assisi. And thus all bore singular
   marks of sanctity, as we shall see hereafter.



   The first companion of St Francis was Brother Bernard of Assisi, who
   was converted in the following way: St Francis had not yet taken the
   religious habit, though he had renounced the world, and had so given
   himself to penance and mortification that many looked upon him as one
   out of his mind. He was scoffed at as a madman, was rejected and
   despised by his relations and by strangers, who threw stones and mud at
   him when he passed; yet he went on his way, accepting these insults as
   patiently as if he had been deaf and dumb. Then Bernard of Assisi, one
   of the richest and most learned nobles of the city, began to consider
   deeply the conduct of St Francis; how utterly he despised the world,
   how patiently he suffered injuries, and how his faith remained firm,
   though he had been for two years an object of contempt and rejected by
   all. He began to think and say within himself, "It is evident that this
   brother must have received great graces from God"; and so resolved to
   invite him to sup and to sleep in his house. St Francis having accepted
   the invitation, Bernard, who was resolved to contemplate the sanctity
   of his guest, ordered a bed to be prepared for him in his own room,
   where a lamp burned all night. Now St Francis, in order to conceal his
   sanctity, so soon as he entered the room, threw himself upon the bed,
   pretending to fall asleep. Bernard likewise soon after went to bed, and
   began to snore as if sleeping soundly. On this, St Francis, thinking
   that Bernard was really fast asleep, got up and began to pray. Raising
   his hands and eyes to heaven, he exclaimed with great devotion and
   fervour, "My God! my God!" at the same time weeping bitterly; and thus
   he remained on his knees all night, repeating with great love and
   fervour the words, "My God! my God!" and none others.

   And this he did because, being enlightened by the Holy Spirit, he
   contemplated and admired the divine majesty of God, who deigned to take
   pity on the perishing world, and to save not only the soul of Francis,
   his poor little one, but those of many others also through his means.
   For, being enlightened by the Holy Ghost, he foresaw the great things
   which God would deign to accomplish through him and through his Order;
   and considering his insufficiency and unworthiness, he prayed and
   called upon the Lord, through his power and wisdom, to supply, help and
   accomplish that which of himself he could not do.

   Then Bernard, seeing by the light of the lamp the devout actions of St
   Francis and the expression of his countenance, and devoutly considering
   the words he uttered, was touched by the Holy Spirit, and resolved to
   change his life. Next morning, therefore, he called St Francis, and
   thus addressed him: "Brother Francis, I am disposed in heart wholly to
   leave the world, and to obey thee in all things as thou shalt command
   me." At these words, St Francis rejoiced in spirit and said, "Bernard,
   a resolution such as thou speakest of is so difficult and so great an
   act, that we must take counsel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and pray to
   him that he may be pleased to show us what is his will, and may teach
   us to follow it. Let us then go together to the Bishop's palace, where
   we shall find a good priest who will say Mass for us. We will then
   remain in prayer till the third hour, imploring the Lord to point out
   to us the way he wishes us to select, and to this intent we will open
   the Missal three times." And when Bernard answered that he was well
   pleased with this proposal, they set out together, heard Mass, and
   after they had remained in prayer till the time fixed, the priest, at
   the request of St Francis, took up Missal, then, having made the sign
   of the holy cross, he opened it three times, in the name of our Lord
   Jesus Christ.

   The first place which he lit upon was at the answer of Christ to the
   young man who asked of him the way to perfection: If thou wilt be
   perfect, go, sell all that thou hast and give to the poor, and come,
   follow me. The second time he opened at the words which the Saviour
   addressed to the Apostles when he sent them forth to preach the Word of
   Truth: Take nothing with you for your journey: neither staff, nor
   scrip, nor bread, nor money; wishing to teach them thereby to commit
   the care of their lives to him, and give all their thoughts to the
   preaching of the Holy Gospel. When the Missal was opened a third time
   they came upon these words: If any one will come after me, let him deny
   himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

   Then St Francis, turning to Bernard, said: "This is the advice that the
   Lord has given us; go and do as thou hast heard; and blessed be the
   Lord Jesus Christ who has pointed out to thee the way of his angelic
   life." Upon this, Bernard went and sold all that he had. Now he was
   very rich, and with great joy he distributed his wealth to widows, to
   orphans, to prisoners, to monasteries, to hospitals, and to pilgrims,
   in all which St Francis assisted him with prudence and fidelity.

   Now it happened that a man of the name of Silvester, seeing how St
   Francis gave so much money to the poor, being urged on by avarice, went
   to him and said: "Thou didst not pay me enough for the stones I sold
   thee to repair the church; now that thou hast money, pay me what thou
   owest." St Francis, much surprised at such a demand, but, according to
   the precepts of the Scriptures, not wishing to dispute with him, gave
   it to Silvester, saying that, if he wanted more, he would give it to
   him. Silvester, being satisfied, returned home; but in the evening of
   the same day he reflected on his avarice, and on the holiness and the
   fervour of St Francis. That night also he saw St Francis in a vision,
   and it seemed to him as if a golden cross came out of his mouth, which
   reached up to heaven and extended to the extreme east and west. After
   this vision he gave all he possessed to the poor, for the love of God,
   and made himself a Brother Minor. He became so holy, and was favoured
   with such special graces, that he spake with the Lord as a friend
   speaks with a friend, of which St Francis was often a witness, as we
   shall see further on. Bernard likewise received from God many graces -
   he was ravished in contemplation, and St Francis said he was worthy of
   all reverence, and that he had founded the Order, because he was the
   first who had abandoned the world, giving all he possessed to the poor
   of Christ, keeping back nothing for himself; and practising evangelical
   poverty, placing himself naked in the arms of the Crucified, whom may
   we all bless eternally. Amen.



   St Francis, the devoted servant of the crucified Jesus, through
   constant weeping and penance, had become nearly blind, so that he could
   scarcely see. Wishing one day to speak with Brother Bernard on things
   divine, he left the place where he was and went to join him. Being
   told, upon arrival, that he was in the forest praying, St Francis
   proceeded thither, and, calling out, said; "Come, O Brother Bernard,
   and speak with this blind man." But Brother Bernard did not make
   answer; for, his soul being rapt in divine contemplation, he did not
   hear him call; one of the special graces of Brother Bernard being that
   of holding converse with God Almighty, of which St Francis had often
   been a witness. The saint, therefore, since he wished specially to
   speak with him at that hour, called him again a second time and a
   third. Brother Bernard, not having heard him, neither answered nor went
   to him; at which St Francis went away somewhat saddened, and wondering
   in himself how it was that, having called him three times, Brother
   Bernard had not come to him. With this thought on his mind, when he had
   proceeded a little way, he bade his companion wait for him, and
   retiring to a solitary spot, fell on his knees, praying that God would
   reveal to him why Brother Bernard had not answered his call. As he
   prayed, a voice came from God, which said, "O poor little man, why art
   thou troubled? Is it meet for man to leave God for the creature? When
   thou didst call Brother Bernard he was with me, and could neither hear
   thee, nor go to thee; be not then surprised if he answered thee not,
   for he was rapt out of himself, nor did he hear aught of all thou
   saidst." St Francis, having received this answer from God, went back
   with great haste to Brother Bernard, to accuse himself humbly of the
   thought he had allowed to enter his mind against him. Brother Bernard,
   seeing St Francis coming towards him, went to meet him, and threw
   himself at his feet. Then St Francis bade him rise, confessing most
   humbly what his thoughts has been and the answer which God had made
   him; and with these words he concluded: "I command thee, by virtue of
   holy obedience, to do whatsoever I shall order thee." Brother Bernard,
   fearing St Francis would oblige him to inflict upon him some great
   punishment, as was his custom, would most willingly have avoided
   obeying him. "I am ready," he answered, "to obey thee, father, if thou
   also wilt promise me to do whatsoever I shall command thee." To this St
   Francis consented; and Brother Bernard then asked him what he wished
   him to do. "I command thee," said St Francis, "under holy obedience, in
   order to punish my presumption and the evil thought of my heart, when I
   lie down on the ground to place one of thy feet on my neck, and the
   other on my mouth. And this shalt thou do thee! Be humbled, thou son of
   Peter Bernardoni, for thou art but a vile wretch; how camest thou to be
   so proud, thou miserable servant of sin!" On hearing this Brother
   Bernard was much grieved, but out of holy obedience he did what St
   Francis had ordered him, striving withal to acquit himself thereof as
   lightly as possible. Then St Francis, having promised obedience to
   Brother Bernard, asked what he wished him to do, whereto the latter
   answered: "I command thee, in virtue of holy obedience, that whenever
   we are together thou reprove and correct with great severity all my
   defects." This order much surprised St Francis, for Brother Bernard was
   so holy that he held him in great reverence, and did not believe it
   possible to find in him any fault. From that time, therefore, the saint
   avoided being much with Brother Bernard, fearing lest, out of holy
   obedience, he might be obliged to reprove him; and when he was obliged
   to see or to speak with him, he parted from him as soon as possible.
   Most edifying it was to hear with what charity, what admiration and
   humility, St Francis, who was his superior, spoke of Brother Bernard,
   who was his first son in God - to the praise and glory of Jesus Christ
   and his poor servant Francis. Amen.



   In the first beginning of the Order, when there was as yet but few
   brothers and no convents established, St Francis went, out of devotion,
   to San Giacomo di Galicia, taking with him Brother Bernard and one or
   two other brothers. As they travelled on together, they met by the way
   a poor sick man. St Francis, moved with compassion at the sight of his
   sufferings, said to Brother Bernard: "My son, I will that thou stay
   here, and take care of this sick man." And Brother Bernard, meekly
   falling on his knees, received the order of his revered father and
   remained behind, whilst St Francis and the others proceeded to San
   Giacomo. On arriving there, they spent the night in prayer in the
   Church of St James, and God revealed to St Francis how he would found
   many convents all over the world, and how his Order would increase and
   multiply into a great multitude of brethren. After this revelation St
   Francis began to found convents in that country. Then returning by the
   way he had come, and finding Brother Bernard with the sick man, who had
   quite recovered, he allowed him to go the following year to San
   Giacomo, whilst he himself returned to Val di Spoleto, and took up his
   abode in a desert place with Brother Masseo, Brother Elias, and others.
   All these were very careful never to interrupt St Francis in his
   devotions; and this they did out of the great reverence they bore him,
   and because they knew that God revealed to him great things in prayer.
   Now it chanced one day, as St Francis was praying in the forest, that a
   handsome young man, dressed for traveling, presented himself at the
   convent-gate, knocking thereat so loudly, so quickly, and so long, that
   the brothers marvelled greatly at a way of knocking so strange and
   unusual. Brother Masseo, who went and opened the gate, thus addressed
   the young man: "Whence comest thou, my son? for the strange manner in
   which thou knockest makes me to think thou hast never been here
   before." At this the young man asked: "How then ought I to knock?"
   Brother Masseo answered: "Thou shouldst give three knocks, one after
   the other, and then wait time enough for a brother to say an Our
   Father,' and come and open to thee; should he not arrive by that time,
   then thou mayest knock again." "I was in great haste," replied the
   stranger; "for I have made a long journey, and am come to speak with St
   Francis, who at this hour is praying in the forest, wherefore I would
   not interrupt him. I pray thee; then, to call Brother Elias; for I wish
   to put a question to him, having heard that he is full of wisdom." Then
   Brother Masseo going, called Brother Elias; but he, being angry,
   refused to go, so that Brother Masseo was at a loss what answer to make
   the stranger. For if he told him Brother Elias could not wait on him,
   he would say an untruth; while if he told how he spoke in anger, he
   feared to give scandal. Whilst Brother Masseo was hesitating how he
   should act, whether or no he should return with the message, the
   stranger knocked again as he had knocked before. On this Brother Masseo
   hastened back to the convent-gate, and said reproachfully: "Thou hast
   not observed what I said to thee as to how thou shouldst knock." To
   this the young man made answer: "Since Brother Elias will not come to
   me, go, tell Brother Francis that I came here to speak with him; but,
   not wishing to interrupt his prayers, I beg him to order Brother Elias
   to come to me." Then Brother Masseo went to St Francis, who was praying
   in the forest with his eyes lifted up to heaven, and gave him the
   message of the young man, with the answer of Brother Elias. Now the
   young man was the angel of God, under the form of a traveller. St
   Francis, without moving and still looking up to heaven, said to Brother
   Masseo: "Go, tell Brother Elias, in virtue of holy obedience, to go and
   speak with that young man." So Brother Elias, having received the order
   of St Francis, went to the convent-gate in an angry mood, and opening
   it with violence, asked of the young man what he wanted with Him. The
   latter answered: "Beware of being angry, as thou appearest to be; for
   anger woundeth the soul, preventing it from discerning the truth."
   Brother Elias said again: "Tell me what thou wantest with me." "I wish
   to know," answered the stranger, "if it be permitted to such as follow
   the Holy Gospel to eat whatever is served before them, according to the
   words of Christ to his disciples; and I wish to ask thee, likewise, if
   it be lawful for any man to teach a doctrine contrary to the liberty
   preached in the Gospel." On this Brother Elias answered proudly: "I
   know what answer to make thee, but I am not inclined to give thee one.
   Be gone about thy business." The young man replied: "I know better than
   thou dost what answer to make to these questions." Then was Brother
   Elias much troubled; and, being very angry, he slammed the door, and
   went his way. But afterwards, considering the questions which had been
   put to him, he doubted within himself whether he could answer them; for
   being Vicar of the Order, he had made a law which went beyond that of
   the Gospel, and passed the Rule of St Francis: to wit, that none of the
   brethren should eat flesh; so that the question was put expressly
   against himself. Not knowing in what way to clear his doubts, and being
   struck by the modest appearance of the young stranger, remembering also
   how he had said that he could answer the questions better than himself,
   he hurried back to the convent-gate in hopes of finding him. But he had
   disappeared, for the pride of Brother Elias made him unworthy to
   converse with an angel. In the meantime St Francis, to whom all had
   been revealed by God, returning from the forest, addressed himself
   reproachfully to Brother Elias, saying: "Thou doest wrong, proud
   Brother Elias; for thou hast sent away the holy angel of God, who came
   to instruct us. I tell thee that I greatly fear lest thy pride will
   make thee end thy days out of the Order." And so it happened even as St
   Francis said, for he died out of the Order. The same day and the same
   hour at which the angel had disappeared from the convent-gate, he
   appeared to Brother Bernard, who was making his way homewards from San
   Giacomo, along the bank of a great river. The angel, clad in the same
   guise as a traveller, greeted him with the words, "God give thee peace,
   good brother." Now Brother Bernard, considering the beauty of the young
   man, who with so sweet a look pronounced the salutation of peace,
   according to the custom of his own country, asked of him whence he
   came. "I come," answered the angel, "from the convent where dwells St
   Francis. I went thither to speak with him, but to do so I was not able,
   for he was in the forest contemplating divine things, and I would not
   disturb him. In the same convent were Brother Giles, and Brother Elias,
   with Brother Masseo, who taught me how to knock at the convent-gate
   according to the custom of the brethren. Brother Elias would not answer
   the questions I put to him; but afterwards he repented, seeking to see
   and hear me; but it was too late." After these words, the angel asked
   Brother Bernard why he did not cross the river. "Because," answered
   Brother Bernard, "I fear to perish in the waters, which are very deep."
   The angel said to him, "Let us cross together; fear naught." And,
   taking him by the hand, in an instant they were both on the other side
   of the river. Then Brother Bernard knew him for the angel of God, and
   with great joy and great reverence he exclaimed: "Blessed angel of God,
   tell me thy name." The angel answered: "Why dost thou ask my name,
   which is Wonderful?" Having said these words, he disappeared, leaving
   Brother Bernard greatly comforted; so that he ended his journey with
   much joy, noting the day and the hour when the angel had appeared. On
   arriving at the convent, where St Francis was with his favorite
   companions, he related to them word for word his adventure; and they
   knew with a certainty that it was the very angel who, on the same day
   and at the same hour, had appeared to them also.



   St Francis and his companions, being called by God to carry the cross
   of Christ in their hearts, to practise it in their lives, and to preach
   it by their words, were truly crucified men both in their actions and
   in their works. They sought after shame and contempt, out of love for
   Christ, rather than the honours of the world, the respect and praise of
   men. They rejoiced to be despised, and were grieved when honoured. Thus
   they went about the world as pilgrims and strangers, carrying nothing
   with them but Christ crucified; and because they were of the true Vine,
   which is Christ, they produced great and good fruits in many souls
   which they gained to God. It happened that, in the beginning of the
   Order, St Francis sent Brother Bernard to Bologna, there to accomplish
   many good works, according to the grace which God had given him. So
   Brother Bernard, making the holy sign of the cross, in the name of holy
   obedience, set out for Bologna; but when he arrived in that city, the
   little children in the streets, seeing him dressed so strangely and so
   poorly, laughed and scoffed at him, taking him for a madman. All these
   trials Brother Bernard accepted for the love of Christ, with great
   patience and with great joy, and seeking to be despised yet more, he
   went to the market-place, where, having seated himself, a great number
   of children and men gathered round him, and taking hold of his hood
   pushed him here and there, some throwing stones at him and others dust.
   To all this Brother Bernard submitted in silence, his countenance
   bearing an expression of holy joy, and for several days he returned to
   the same spot to receive the same insults. Now, patience being a work
   of perfection and a proof of virtue, a learned doctor of the law,
   seeing such virtue and constancy in Brother Bernard, who had endured
   for so many days such contempt and such injuries without losing his
   temper, said within himself: "Without doubt this man must be a great
   saint"; and going up to him, he asked him who he was, and whence he
   came. Brother Bernard put his hand into his bosom, and taking out the
   Rule of St Francis, gave it to him to read. The doctor, having read the
   Rule, was struck with wonder and admiration at the sublime perfection
   therein prescribed, and turning to his friends, he said: "Truly this is
   the most perfect state of Religion I have ever heard of, and this man
   and his companions are the holiest men I have met with in all the
   world; guilty indeed are those who insult him; we ought, on the
   contrary, to honour him as a true friend of God." And addressing
   Brother Bernard, he said to him: "If it is thy wish to found a convent
   in this town, in which thou mayest serve God according to thy heart's
   desires, I will help thee most willingly, for the salvation of my
   soul." Brother Bernard answered: "I believe that our Saviour Jesus
   Christ has inspired thee with this good intention, and most willingly
   do I accept thy offer, to the honour of Christ." Then the doctor, with
   much joy and great charity, conducted Brother Bernard to his house, and
   soon after gave to him a place as he had promised, which he arranged
   and furnished at his own expense, and from that moment he became a
   father to Brother Bernard, and the special defender of the Friars
   Minor. Brother Bernard, through his holy conduct, began to be much
   honoured by the people, so much so that those who could see and touch
   him accounted themselves as most blessed; but he, like a true disciple
   of Christ and a son of the humble Francis, fearing lest the honours of
   the world should disturb his peace and endanger the salvation of his
   soul, set out one day and returned to St Francis, whom he thus
   addressed: "Father, the convent is founded at Bologna, send other
   brothers there to keep it up and reside there, as I can no longer be of
   any use; indeed, I fear that the too great honours I receive might make
   me lose more than I could gain." Now St Francis, having heard, one
   after another, all the things which the Lord had wrought through
   Brother Bernard, rendered thanks to God, who thus began to spread
   abroad the poor disciples of the Cross; then sent he others of the
   brethren to Bologna, and to Lombardy, and these founded many convents
   in divers countries.



   The holiness of Brother Bernard shone forth so brightly, that St
   Francis held him in great reverence, and often was heard to praise him.
   One day, as St Francis was in prayer, it was revealed to him by God
   that Brother Bernard, by divine permission, would sustain many painful
   combats with the devil. Now St Francis felt great compassion for
   Brother Bernard, whom he loved as a son; wherefore he wept for prayed
   for many days, imploring the Lord Jesus Christ to give him the victory
   over the evil one. As he was praying thus devoutly, the Lord answered
   his prayer, and said to him: "Fear not, Francis, for all the
   temptations which will assail Brother Bernard are permitted by God, to
   increase his virtue and win for him a crown of merit; for at length he
   will gain the victory over all his enemies, because he is one of the
   ministers of the kingdom of heaven." This answer to prayer filled St
   Francis with joy; he thanked God; and from that moment, Brother Bernard
   became even dearer to St Francis than before, and many proofs of
   affection did he give him, not only during his life but more especially
   at the hour of his death. For when St Francis was about to leave this
   world, being surrounded like the holy prophet Jacob by his devoted
   sons, all grieving at the departure of so beloved a Father, he thus
   addressed them: "Where is my first-born son? let him come to me, that
   my soul may bless him before I die." Then Brother Bernard said in a
   whisper to Brother Elias, who at that time was vicar of the Order: "Go
   to the right hand of the saint, that he may bless thee." On this
   Brother Elias placed himself on the right side of St Francis - who had
   lost his sight through much weeping - and the saint, putting his right
   hand on the head of Brother Elias, said: "This is not the head of my
   first-born, Brother Bernard." Then Brother Bernard placed himself on
   the left side of St Francis, who, crossing his arms in the form of a
   cross, put his right hand on the head of Brother Bernard and his left
   on that of Brother Elias. Then said he to Brother Bernard: "May God,
   the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, bless thee with every blessing,
   spiritual and celestial; for thou art my first-born son in God, chosen
   in this Order to set an example of every virtue, and to follow Christ
   in evangelical poverty; for not only didst thou give all thy
   possessions and distribute them freely and liberally to the poor, but
   thou didst likewise offer thyself to God in this Order as a sacrifice
   of love; blessed be thou, then, by our Saviour Jesus Christ and by me,
   his poor servant, with eternal blessings, when thou goest out and when
   thou comest in, when thou wakest and when thou sleepest, both living
   and dying; he that blesseth thee shall be blessed, he that curseth thee
   shall not remain unpunished. Thou shalt be at the head of all thy
   brethren, and all thy commands the brethren shall obey. I give thee
   power to receive into this Order whomsoever thou willest; no brother
   shall rule over thee. Thou art free to go where thou wilt, and to
   remain where it pleaseth thee best." So, after the death of St Francis,
   the brethren loved and revered Brother Bernard as their father, and
   when it was his turn to die, many brethren came from all parts of the
   world to take leave of him; amongst them the angelic Brother Giles, who
   when he saw Brother Bernard exclaimed, with great joy, "Sursum corda!
   Brother Bernard, Sursum corda!" and Brother Bernard ordered secretly
   one of the brothers to prepare for Brother Giles a place meet for
   contemplation, which was done even as he ordered. Now when the last
   hour of Brother Bernard arrived, he begged to be raised in his bed, and
   thus addressed the brethren who surrounded him: "Beloved brethren, I
   have not many words to say to you; but I wish you to consider that, as
   the religious order which has been my choice has been yours also, the
   hour which is now come for me will also come for you; and this I find
   in my soul to tell you, that for a thousand worlds I would not have
   served another Lord than our Saviour Jesus Christ. Now I accuse myself
   before my Saviour and before you all of every offence I have committed;
   and I pray you, my dear brethren, to love one another." And having said
   these words, and given other good advice, he lay down on his bed, his
   face radiant with joy and shining with celestial brightness, of which
   all the brethren were witnesses; and in that ecstasy of joy his holy
   soul, crowned with glory, passed from this present life to the blessed
   life of the angels.



   The true servant of Christ, St Francis, was in certain things like unto
   a second Christ given to the world for the salvation of souls.
   Wherefore God the Father willed that in many points he should be
   conformed to his Son, Jesus Christ, as we have already explained in the
   calling of his twelve companions, as also in the mystery of the holy
   stigmata, and in a fast of forty days which he made in the manner

   St Francis, one day of the Carnival, was near the Lake of Perugia, in
   the house of one of his devout children, with whom he had spent the
   night, when he was inspired by God to go and pass the time of Lent in
   an island on the lake. Wherefore St Francis begged his friend, for the
   love of God, to convey him in his boat to an island uninhabited by man:
   the which he should do during the night of Ash-Wednesday, so that none
   might know where he was; and the friend, because of the great devotion
   he bore to St Francis, agreed to his request, and conveyed him to the
   said island, St Francis taking with him naught but two small loaves.
   When they had reached the island, his friend left him and returned
   home; the saint earnestly entreating him to reveal to no one where he
   was, and not to come and fetch him before Holy Thursday; to which he
   consented. St Francis being left alone, and there being no dwelling in
   the island in which he could take shelter, entered into a thick part of
   the wood all overgrown with brambles and other creeping plants, and
   forming as it were a kind of hut, there he began to pray and enter into
   the contemplation of divine things. And there he passed the whole of
   Lent without drinking or eating save half of one of the small loaves he
   had taken with him, as we learned from his friend who, going to fetch
   him on Holy Thursday, found one of the loaves untouched and the other
   only half consumed. It is believed that St Francis ate this half out of
   reverence for our Blessed Lord, who fasted forty days and forty nights
   without taking any material food; for by eating this bit of bread he
   put aside the temptation to vainglory, and yet fasted forty days and
   forty nights in imitation of the Saviour. In later times God worked
   many miracles, through the merits of the saint, on the spot where St
   Francis had fasted so wonderfully, on which account people began to
   build houses and dwell there, and little by little a town rose up, with
   a convent called the Convent of the Isle; and to this day the
   inhabitants of that town hold in great respect and great devotion the
   spot in which St Francis passed the time of Lent.



   One day in winter, as St Francis was going with Brother Leo from
   Perugia to St Mary of the Angels, and was suffering greatly from the
   cold, he called to Brother Leo, who was walking on before him, and said
   to him: "Brother Leo, if it were to please God that the Friars Minor
   should give, in all lands, a great example of holiness and edification,
   write down, and note carefully, that this would not be perfect joy." A
   little further on, St Francis called to him a second time: "O Brother
   Leo, if the Friars Minor were to make the lame to walk, if they should
   make straight the crooked, chase away demons, give sight to the blind,
   hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb, and, what is even a far
   greater work, if they should raise the dead after four days, write that
   this would not be perfect joy." Shortly after, he cried out again: "O
   Brother Leo, if the Friars Minor knew all languages; if they were
   versed in all science; if they could explain all Scripture; if they had
   the gift of prophecy, and could reveal, not only all future things, but
   likewise the secrets of all consciences and all souls, write that this
   would not be perfect joy." After proceeding a few steps farther, he
   cried out again with a loud voice: "O Brother Leo, thou little lamb of
   God! if the Friars Minor could speak with the tongues of angels; if
   they could explain the course of the stars; if they knew the virtues of
   all plants; if all the treasures of the earth were revealed to them; if
   they were acquainted with the various qualities of all birds, of all
   fish, of all animals, of men, of trees, of stones, of roots, and of
   waters - write that this would not be perfect joy." Shortly after, he
   cried out again: "O Brother Leo, if the Friars Minor had the gift of
   preaching so as to convert all infidels to the faith of Christ, write
   that this would not be perfect joy." Now when this manner of discourse
   had lasted for the space of two miles, Brother Leo wondered much within
   himself; and, questioning the saint, he said: "Father, I pray thee
   teach me wherein is perfect joy." St Francis answered: "If, when we
   shall arrive at St Mary of the Angels, all drenched with rain and
   trembling with cold, all covered with mud and exhausted from hunger;
   if, when we knock at the convent-gate, the porter should come angrily
   and ask us who we are; if, after we have told him, We are two of the
   brethren', he should answer angrily, What ye say is not the truth; ye
   are but two impostors going about to deceive the world, and take away
   the alms of the poor; begone I say'; if then he refuse to open to us,
   and leave us outside, exposed to the snow and rain, suffering from cold
   and hunger till nightfall - then, if we accept such injustice, such
   cruelty and such contempt with patience, without being ruffled and
   without murmuring, believing with humility and charity that the porter
   really knows us, and that it is God who maketh him to speak thus
   against us, write down, O Brother Leo, that this is perfect joy. And if
   we knock again, and the porter come out in anger to drive us away with
   oaths and blows, as if we were vile impostors, saying, Begone,
   miserable robbers! to the hospital, for here you shall neither eat nor
   sleep!' - and if we accept all this with patience, with joy, and with
   charity, O Brother Leo, write that this indeed is perfect joy. And if,
   urged by cold and hunger, we knock again, calling to the porter and
   entreating him with many tears to open to us and give us shelter, for
   the love of God, and if he come out more angry than before, exclaiming,
   These are but importunate rascals, I will deal with them as they
   deserve'; and taking a knotted stick, he seize us by the hood, throwing
   us on the ground, rolling us in the snow, and shall beat and wound us
   with the knots in the stick - if we bear all these injuries with
   patience and joy, thinking of the sufferings of our Blessed Lord, which
   we would share out of love for him, write, O Brother Leo, that here,
   finally, is perfect joy. And now, brother, listen to the conclusion.
   Above all the graces and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit which Christ
   grants to his friends, is the grace of overcoming oneself, and
   accepting willingly, out of love for Christ, all suffering, injury,
   discomfort and contempt; for in all other gifts of God we cannot glory,
   seeing they proceed not from ourselves but from God, according to the
   words of the Apostle, What hast thou that thou hast not received from
   God? and if thou hast received it, why dost thou glory as if thou hadst
   not received it?' But in the cross of tribulation and affliction we may
   glory, because, as the Apostle says again, I will not glory save in the
   cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.' Amen."



   Once, as the beginning of the Order, St Francis was with Brother Leo in
   a convent where they had no books wherewith to say divine office. So,
   when the hour of Matins arrived, St Francis said to Brother Leo: "My
   beloved brother, we have no Breviary wherewith to say Matins, but in
   order to employ the time in praising God, I will speak, and thou shalt
   answer me as I shall teach thee; and beware thou change not the words I
   shall bid thee say. Thus will I begin: O Brother Francis, thou hast
   done so much evil, and hast committed so many sins in the world, that
   thou art only worthy of hell'; and thou, Brother Leo, shalt answer: It
   is very true thou art worthy of the nethermost hell.'" And Brother Leo
   said, with the simplicity of a dove, "Right willingly, Father; begin,
   then, in the name of God." St Francis therefore began thus: O Brother
   Francis, thou hast done so much evil, and hast committed so many sins
   in the world, that thou art worthy of hell." And Brother Leo made
   answer: "God will work so much good through thee, that thou wilt
   certainly go to heaven". Do not speak thus, "Brother Leo," said St
   Francis; "but when I say, Brother Francis, thou hast committed so many
   iniquities against God, that thou art worthy to be cursed by him,' thou
   shalt make answer: Yes, indeed, thou art worthy to be numbered among
   the cursed.'" And Brother Leo answered: "Most willingly, O my Father."
   Then St Francis, with many tears and sighs, striking his breast, cried
   with a loud voice: "O Lord of heaven and earth, I have committed
   against thee so many sins and so great iniquities, that I deserve to be
   cursed by thee." And Brother Leo answered: "O Brother Francis, among
   all the blessed the Lord will cause thee to be singularly blessed." And
   St Francis, much surprised that Brother Leo answered quite the contrary
   to what he had ordered him, reproved him for it, saying: "Why answereth
   thou not as I taught thee? I command thee, under holy obedience, so to
   do. When I say, O wicked Brother Francis, dost thou think God will have
   mercy on thee, when thou hast so sinned against the Father of mercies
   that thou art not worthy of finding mercy,' then thou, Brother Leo, my
   little lamb, shalt answer: Thou art not worthy of finding mercy.'" But
   when St Francis began to repeat, "O wicked Brother Francis," and so on,
   Brother Leo answered: "God the Father, whose mercy is infinitely
   greater than thy sin, will show great mercy upon thee, and will grant
   thee likewise many graces." At this answer St Francis, being meekly
   angry, and patiently impatient, said to Brother Leo: "How canst thou
   presume to act against obedience? Why hast thou so often answered the
   contrary to what I ordered thee?" With great humility and respect
   Brother Leo answered: "God knows, my Father, that I had resolved in my
   heart each time to answer as thou didst command me, but the Lord made
   me to speak as it pleased him, and not as it pleased me." Then St
   Francis, being greatly astonished, said to Brother Leo: "I entreat
   thee, beloved, this time to answer as I command thee." And Brother Leo
   said: "Speak, in the name of God; for this time most certainly I will
   answer thee as thou desirest." And St Francis, weeping, said: "O wicked
   Brother Francis, dost thou think that God will have mercy on thee?" And
   Brother Leo answered: "Not only will he have mercy on thee, but thou
   shalt receive from him especial graces: he will exalt thee and glorify
   thee to all eternity, for he that humbleth himself shall be exalted;
   and I cannot speak otherwise, because it is God that speaketh by my
   lips." After this in humble contest, they watched till morning in many
   tears and much spiritual consolation.



   St Francis once was living at the Convent of the Portiuncula, with
   Brother Masseo of Marignano, a man of great sanctity and great
   discernment, who held frequent converse with God; for which reason St
   Francis loved him much. One day, as St Francis was returning from the
   forest, where he had been in prayer, the said Brother Masseo, wishing
   to test the humility of the saint, went forth to meet him exclaiming:
   "Why after thee? Why after thee?" To which St Francis made answer:
   "What is this? What meanest thou?" Brother Masseo answered: "I mean,
   why is it that all the world goeth after thee; why do all men wish to
   see thee, to hear thee, and to obey thy word? For thou art neither
   comely nor learned, nor art thou of noble birth. How is it, then, that
   all the world goeth after thee?" St Francis, hearing these words,
   rejoiced greatly in spirit, and lifting up his eyes to heaven, remained
   for a long space with his mind rapt in God; then, coming to himself, he
   knelt down, returning thanks to God with great fervour of spirit, and
   addressing Brother Messeo, said to him: "Wouldst thou know why all men
   come after me? Know that it is because the Lord, who is in heaven, who
   sees the evil and the good in all places - because, I say, his holy
   eyes have found among men no one more wicked, more imperfect, or a
   greater sinner than I am; and to accomplish the wonderful work which he
   intends to do, he has found no creature more vile than I am on earth;
   for which reason he has chosen me, to confound all strength, beauty,
   greatness, noble birth, and all the science of the world, that men may
   learn that every virtue and every good gift cometh from him, and not
   from any creature, that none may glory before him; but if any one
   glory, let him glory in the Lord, to whom belongeth all glory in
   eternity." Then Brother Masseo, at such a humble answer, given with so
   much fervour, was greatly impressed, and learned of a certainty that St
   Francis was well grounded in humility.
