
Showing posts from 2019

St Anthony of Padua by Francesco Zugno 1750

Holy Family with Saint Francis 1610

Song of the Angels by William Adolphe Bouguereau 1881

Die Krippenfeier des heiligen Franziskus 1837

Oh holy night

Seghers Francis and Clare with Child

Fresco de Giotto del Nacimiento en Greccio

St. Francis of Assisi and the First Nativity Scene

Holy Child adored by Francis

Nacimiento en Greccio segun San Buenaventura

Vision de San Francisco Carracci 1583

Saint Francis by Zurbaran 1630

Vision of Saint Anthony by Pittoni

12161997 JPII Address General Definitory OFM

Consagracion OFS a Nra Sra de Guadalupe

Los ultimos aƱos de la vida de San Francisco

Giotto Bondone

Hallazgo cuerpo San Francisco

Mananitas Mexican Birthday Song Virgin