St Francis by Albert Chevallier Tayler 1898

Albert Chevallier Tayler (1862–1925) was an English artist who specialized in portrait painting. He studied at Heatherley's School of Art, Royal Academy Schools and avant-garde painters in Paris. 

Saint Francis of Assisi Patron of Ecology

The visible world provoked in Francis a profound experience of God. The reference of creation to God was, so to speak, clear and transparent. His contemplation made him fill himself with an admiration without limits when he sensed in her the "ultimate cause of all things," for every creature, however small, was for him a sacramental sign of God's love, goodness, beauty and wisdom. Each creature reminded him of the Creator of the universe. Therefore, full of ecstatic love and a spirit of prayer, he embraced the essence God present in the creatures. In them he felt full and enlightened by the life, power and love of God.

John Paul II proclaimed “He (st. Francis), indeed, had in great appreciation all the works of the Creator and, with almost supernatural inspiration, composed that beautiful 'Song of the Creatures', a through which, especially of the brother sun, sister moon and the stars, he gave the omnipotent and good Lord due praise, glory, honor and all blessing. ”
