Mananitas Mexican Birthday Song Virgin

O Virgin, the most beautiful
in all the valley of Anahuac
Your children have come
this early to greet you
Awaken, Mother, awaken
see, the dawn has come
and the little birds are singing
and the moon has already set.

That cheerful morning
in which you appeared to Juan
while God bestows me life
I will never forget this.
Awaken, Mother, awaken
look, the dawn has come
Look, Queen, your volcanoes
stained red by the sun.

When I look into your (little) face
filled with so much candor
I'd like to give you a thousand kisses
so I could show you my love.
Awaken, Mother, awaken
look, the dawn has come
Look at my canoe filled with flowers
that I've brought for you.

I have no envy for anyone
except for the angel at your feet
For four hundred years
it has served as your footrest.
Awaken, Mother, awaken
look, the dawn has come
And see how the lake reflects
at the first ray of sunlight.

Mother of all the Mexican people
you said you've come to be
Well now you see, Morenita1
we do know how to love you.
Awaken, Mother, awaken
look, the dawn has come
Listen to the beat of the teponaztli2
that has already awaken us all.

Look, for I am Mexican
and for that I am yours
And I search in vain in the world
for another who loves you more than I.
Awaken, Mother, awaken
look, the dawn has come
Look at me as I lay at your feet
and give me your blessing.
