Approval of Saint Francis Way of Life

Saint Francis of Assisi sang to all creatures, in praise of the father. Being known as the Patron of the universal Fraternity, after his conversion he welcomed all those who wanted to follow his direction.

Before long, many brothers approached, wanting to imitate their lifestyle. The first twelve brothers lived in a small cabin, where they lacked even the most basic, shelter and food.

Despite this narrow space, the hut was the birthplace of the first life in fraternity, but also of the first Rule of Francis.

"After the Lord gave me brothers, nobody taught me what to do. The Most High Himself revealed to me that I had to live according to the form of the Gospel. And I had it written simply, with few words, and the Lord Pope confirmed it for me”.

Every group of men, leading a religious life, must have rules that distinguish them from other congregations. With the arrival of more brothers to the fraternity, Francis found the need to write a "Way of Life"

The central axis was the following: “The Rule and Life of the brothers is this: to live in obedience, in chastity, and without anything of their own. And follow the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ, which says: If you want to be perfect, go and sell everything you have, and give it to the poor, and you will have a treasure in heaven”.

Other very brief annotations accompanied the Gospel passages, such as the way of being received, the way of dressing, a life in prayer, and manual work.

Once he finished, Francis proposed to his brothers to go to Rome, to seek the maximum approval of the Church, that of the Pope.

It was the spring of 1209, when the brothers set out on their way to Rome, with the best of spirits, and in prayer, not speaking of anything other than the Word of God.

But Rome was not the same as today. Interviewing first with the Bishop of Assisi, Guido, they obtained a first audience with His Holiness Innocent III to explain the rule to him.

That first meeting with the Pope can be considered a real disaster. After meeting Francis, who looked deplorable, the Pope threw him out of there without further ceremony, advising him to go lie with the pigs, to whom he could explain his Rule.

Humble Francis went to fulfill what the Pope himself had ordered, but only to return later, and even dirtier than before, to say:

"His Holiness, I already did everything you told me. Now I beg you to listen to my request. ”

And the Pope astonished, but also saddened for his own behavior, asked him to wash himself, to receive him favorably this next time.

Finally, Francis managed to expose his goal. Humbly and earnestly implored the approval of the way of life he had written.

The purity and humility of Francis' request admired the Pope. Perhaps he would have approved at that very moment, but the presence of the Cardinals forced him to be cautious.

He asked Francis, “Your purpose of expropriation is too rigorous. How will you sustain yourselves?”.

Francis explained: "We will trust the Lord".

A cardinal interceded: “We should not reject what this poor man asks for, since what he asks for, is to live the Gospel. If we think that his request is irrational or impossible, we would blaspheme against Christ, its author ”.

Francis withdrew to pray in faith, more sure than ever of his desire to live in poverty.

After reflecting on the case, Innocent III verbally approved the Rule for this new Order on April 16, 1209.

Those present and future brothers, who were appointed by Francis, could live the Gospel, as he had proposed.

"Go with God, children. And when the Lord makes you grow in numbers, and in Grace, please come and tell me, so that I may entrust you with matters of greater importance. ”
