11301992 Letter JPII General Minister Holy Land Custody


Letter from Pope John Paul II to the Minister General of the Franciscan Order on the Custody of the Holy Land

To the Rt. Fr. Hermann Schalück, O.F.M., Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor.

In this period of Advent, which introduces us to the liturgical celebration of the Mystery of the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am pleased to send a special greeting to you and to all your Brothers, especially those who live and work on the Land sanctified by the physical presence of the Lord, traversed by Him to announce the Gospel of the Kingdom and dyed, finally, with the purple of His precious Blood.

Indeed, precisely in this year that is coming to an end, the 650th anniversary of the Bull Gratias agimus, by which my Predecessor Pope Clement VI entrusted the custody of the Places that recall the mysteries of Redemption to the sons of San Francisco, who were already there since the times of their Founder and Father.

Since then the Franciscans have not interrupted their beneficial presence, despite many difficulties, generously committing themselves to the preservation of ancient memories, the erection of new Sanctuaries, the liturgical animation and the reception of pilgrims.

The work of the Friars Minor, however, has not been limited to these aspects, important as they are. Aware of their primary vocation (1 R 16,5ss), they have lavished themselves in the service of their brothers, supporting the poor and weak, instructing the youngest, welcoming the elderly and the sick, for the love of Him who so much he loved us (LM 9.1).

They have added cultural activity to their pastoral activity, founding Centers for the study of the Word of God and for the dissemination of the rich culture of the Christian East.

In this way they have professed their faith and their hope (cf. 1 Pet 3:14-17) with a testimony that has not infrequently reached the shedding of blood in martyrdom or the sacrifice of life in assisting those affected. for epidemics.

My venerable Predecessors have not failed to express public appreciation for this providential work of Christian animation. I am pleased to recall, in particular, the Letter Quinque ante, with which Pius XII, on July 1, 1947 (cf. Acta Ordinis Fratrum Minorum 67 (1947) 113-114), wished to express his encouragement to the Minister General, on the occasion of the VI Centenary of the institution of the Custody, and the affectionate declarations of Paul VI who, on returning from his pilgrimage to the Holy Places, testified to "pleasant admiration for the worthy sons of Saint Francis who throughout seven centuries have developed with so much self-sacrifice the precious and fruitful service of a faithful apostolate” (Acta Custodiae Terrae Sanctae 9 (1964) 79).

Following in his footsteps, I also want to convey to the zealous Friars of the Custody of the Holy Land and to the entire Order of Friars Minor my fervent exhortation to continue along the path opened by their Brothers with the same generosity and evangelical dedication (cf. Mt 13 ,52), giving the Church a luminous example of fidelity to the commission received and offering the faithful of these places, and those who go to them on devout pilgrimage, a testimony of love and adherence to Christ, the Redeemer of man.

In inviting the dear Friars Minor to persevere in this noble and appreciated service to the Church and to souls, I invoke upon them the abundance of graces and divine rewards, while I cordially impart to you and to the entire Family of Friars Minors the propitiatory Apostolic Blessing.

Vatican, November 30, 1992, Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle, in the fifteenth year of our Pontificate.

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