Chapel of the Third Order Cuernavaca

Leer en Español        Altarpice. Chapel of the Third Order of San Francisco.
Cuernavaca. Morelos. Mexico.

The Church of the Third Order is located to the Northwest of the atrium of the Cathedral of Cuernavaca and was started by the initiative of  Enrique de Jerez, minister of the Secular Franciscan Order. This chapel is located within the Cathedral Complex, built in the 18th century, baroque style, of stone painted in yellow and red (scroll down for more).

The interior has a Latin cross plan, with a single nave, the walls painted in white with pale pink frames, on the lower part of the walls there are yellow and blue tiles. It has a sotocoro, nave, transept, apse and the main altarpiece of carved and gilded wood; a beautiful baroque altarpiece that is dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi and the central image of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, in each of the nine niches, different images of saints of the Third Order.

In the transversal arms on the right the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary and on the opposite side Saint Anthony. On the sides paintings of saints; and on the left a large painting of Jesus carrying the Cross. On the left side a beautiful frame painting of the Holy Trinity surrounded by angels.

In addition to the restoration of the valuable altarpiece, a comprehensive restoration of the Church was carried out, which consisted of changing floors, fixing the ceilings, lighting; of the valuable easel work that is exhibited there; magnificent carved and stewed sculptures and two neoclassical altarpieces, located in the arms of the transept, and the rescue of two magnificent oil paintings on canvas from the second half of the 17th century.

Mons. Fortino Vera, first Bishop of Cuernavaca installed a seminary in its annexes. In 1746, Villasenor y Sánchez referred to the seminary of the Third Order as the most notable of the place.
