October also dedicated to the Rosary by us Franciscans

On October 7, 1571, the naval battle of Lepanto took place, in which the Christians defeated the Turks. Christians knew that if they lost this battle, their religion could be endangered and for this reason they relied on God's help through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin. Pope St. Pius V asked Christians to pray the rosary for the fleet. In Rome the Pope was dispatching matters when he suddenly stood up and announced that the Christian fleet had been victorious. Order the bell's ring and a procession. Days later the messengers arrived with the official news of the Christian triumph. Subsequently, he instituted the feast of Our Lady of Victories on October 7.

A year later, Gregorio XIII changed the name of the party to that of Our Lady of the Rosary and determined that it was celebrated on the first Sunday of October (the day the battle had been won). Currently the celebration of the Rosary is celebrated on October 7 and some Dominicans continue to celebrate it on the first Sunday of the month.
