05011930 Saint Richard Pampuri Secular Franciscan


He was born in 1897 in Trivolzio, Italy. In World War I he provided health services, to later conclude his medical career, which he carried out without neglecting his apostolic activity, particularly in service to the sick and the poor.

In 1921 he entered the Secular Franciscan Order, since from a young age he felt a vocation to religious life until in 1927, when he joined the Order of Hospitallers of San Juan de Dios.

 He died in holiness on May 1 at the age of 33: "leaving behind, the memory of a doctor who knew how to transform his own profession into a mission of charity; and a religious brother who reproduced within himself, the charism of a true son of St. John of God" (Decree of heroic virtue, 12 June 1978).

Ricardo was canonized by Saint John Paul II on November 1, 1989, but his feast is celebrated on May 1.

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