


On Pentecost, May 14, the first General Chapter is celebrated in the Porciuncula. The Order is divided into 12 Provinces and the Provincials are appointed.


a) The General Chapter held at Pentecost, May 26, sends the 5 protomartyres of the Order to Morocco.

b) Francis embarks for Acre and Damietta, and interviews the Sultan of Egypt.


Francis hurriedly returns to Italy because of the problems that have arisen in the Order. At the request of the Saint, Honorius III appoints Cardinal Hugolino protector of the Order. Francisco retires from the government of the Order and appoints Pedro Cattani as Vicar of his.


a) Brother Pedro Cattani dies in March and Brother Elías replaces him as Vicar of St Francis.

b) The Chapter of Pentecost studies the Rule written by Francis (called Unbullied Rule) and asks you to write a shorter one.


a) Francis composes the definitive Rule in Fonte Colombo, which is accepted by the Chapter of Pentecost, June 11, and approved and confirmed by bull by Pope Honorius III on November 29.

b) On December 24-25, Christmas celebration in Greccio.


From August 15 to September 29, Francis spends San Miguel's Lent on Mount Alverna, where the Sores of the Passion of Christ are printed. Then slowly return to Assisi, preaching on the way.


Francis suffers several diseases, including a serious ophthalmic problem, but continues his apostolic tour to preach to the people.
