Jerusalem Franciscan Cross

Jerusalem Cross (or the Crusaders Cross) is made from 5 other crosses, which represent the five wounds Jesus received throughout his Passion. Nowadays, it's the emblem of the Franciscan Custody of Jerusalem, which Franciscans continue to use, and that is found around the city to this day.

This way, the Franciscan Cross, Jerusalem Cross or Pilgrim's Cross are the same symbol. One that the Franciscan Order received from the Pope for the mission in the Holy Land (Costudia Terra Sanctae).

Saint Francis had experienced the vision of Jesus so vividly, that when he woke up he realized he now beared the "Sigmata", which are the five wounds of Christ, on his body (2 on his hands, 2 on his feet, and a final one on the chest). The "Jerusalem Cross" is actually another representation of the five wounds that Jesus suffered, shown as five crosses, as they were placed on the Jesus' Holy Body.


  1. You mean "Stigmata" not."Sigmatta"?

    Fred Schaeffer OFS

    1. It has been corrected. Thank you so much brother Fred.
      Your grateful sister Gris Romero, OFS


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