Papal Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels

The Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels is a Papal minor basilica at the foot of the hill of Assisi, Italy. The basilica was constructed between 1569 and 1679, enclosing the 9th century little church, the Porziuncola, the most sacred place for the Franciscan family. It was here that the young Francis of Assisi understood his vocation and renounced the world in order to live in poverty among the poor, and thus started the Franciscan movement.

The small chapel of the Porciuncula was where st. Francis founded the Order of Friars Minor in 1209, entrusting it to the protection of the Virgin Mother of Christ, to whom the church has been dedicated. He received from the Benedictines the chapel to make them the center of his community. Here St. Francis lived with his first brothers.

On March 28, 1211 Claire de Favarone de Offreduccio, received here the religious habit from the hands of San Francisco, beginning the Order of the Poor Ladies (Poor Clares).

In 1216, in a vision, Francis obtained from Jesus the indulgence known as "the indulgence of the Porciuncula" or "the Forgiveness of Assisi," which was approved by Pope Honorius III.

Here Saint Francis gathered his friars every year in the chapters (general meetings).
Saint Francis died here.

Among the relics found in St. Mary of the Angels:
- Saint Francis cordon,
-the statue of the saint with the pigeons that always nest there,
-the roses without thorns fruit of the miracle when the saint threw himself on them to reject a temptation, - the chapel of tears where St. Francis prayed for the Passion of Christ and for sinners ...
