Qui mori S Francesco

Place of death of Saint Francis of Assisi, aside the Porciuncula chappel.

The last hours of poor d'Asis's life: the cookies, the last supper, the nudes lying on the floor. The moments of the transit told by his biographer.

On the night of October 3-4, 1226, Saint Francis died. It was a long and hectic day for the poor man from Assisi.

The last hours of his earthly existence are recounted by Father Enzo Fortunato, journalist and director of the Press Room of the Sacred Convent of Assisi, in his new book "Francesco il rebelle" (Mondadori).

Francisco was "naked on the bare ground": stripped of sackcloth, with his left hand covering the wound on his right side, so no one saw it, as had happened with the stigmata printed on his body since he received them in Alverna in 1224 .

He asks to be buried on the Hill of Hell like any criminal, as happened to Christ who died crucified between the two thieves and was buried outside of Jerusalem.

The basilica of San Francisco was to be built on that hill, and its canonization was one of the fastest in the history of the saints, just two years after their death.
