Porziuncola Chiesa

Porziuncola Chiesa, the small portion, restored by the loving hands of our Father Saint Francis. Capilla de la Porciúncula, la pequeña porción, restaurada por las amorosas manos de nuestro Padre San Francisco. 

This is the story of how this Indulgence was granted..

Francis, hurt by the offenses to God for sins, and the eternal perdition of so many souls who committed them, saw Jesus Christ, alive and glorious, and his divine Mother the Virgin Mary in the small church (porziuncola chiesa) that had lovingly been there. repaired with his own hands, in honor of the Queen of Angels.

In 1216, Francis prostrated himself to pray. Our Lord Jesus said to him: "So many are your tears for the salvation of souls, ask me, Francis, what you want." Francis replied: “I, miserable sinner, I ask, through the intercession of your Holy Mother, that you grant the grace that all those who come to this church confessed achieve forgiveness of all their sins and remain in your presence as they were after receiving the holy baptism. " The Lord replied: “You ask a lot, Francisco, but at the request of my Mother, your intercessor, I grant you that grace. Go to my Vicar on earth to confirm it. "
