Novena to Saint Francis of Assisi day 3

Prayer before the crucifix of San Damiano

Most High glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart.
Give me right faith, sure hope and perfect charity.
Fill me with understanding and knowledge that I may fulfill your command.

Legend of the Three Companions nº 26

As he later testified, he had learned, by divine revelation, this greeting: "The Lord give you peace." Therefore, in all his preaching he began his words with the greeting he announces of peace. Yes to admire - and you can not admit without recognizing in it a miracle that before its conversion had had a precursor, which to announce peace used to go frequently for Assisi saluting in this way: «Peace and good, peace and good» . It was firmly believed that just as John, who announced Christ, disappeared at the beginning of Christ to preach, in the same way this forerunner, like another John, preceded the blessed Francis in the announcement of peace and did not appear again when it was already present . Suddenly endowed the man of God with the spirit of the prophets, as soon as his herald disappeared, he began to announce peace, to preach salvation; and many who had remained enmity with Christ and away from the path of salvation, united in true peace alliance for their exhortations.


It laments San Francisco with peace, that all religious leaders gathered in Assisi in 1986 to pray for peace is significant. Therefore, San Francisco itself provokes and creates a feeling of union and respect among those who admire it, regardless of condition. Therefore, the brother of Assisi is a role model for those who wish to be peacemakers. The greeting of Francisco “the Lord gives you peace”, with which he tried to start all preaching and also recommended that his brothers do, has endured in time consolidating itself as the particular motto of the entire Franciscan family, as announced by the forerunner through the streets of Assisi. Peace and good! Peace and good! The desire for peace that housed in the heart and life of Francis is none other than God's gift to man, for the Lord revealed to him to say that greeting (Test. 23) Who feels the gratuitousness of God in his life does not It does nothing but share it. Thus, the desire for peace is received as one of God's greatest gifts "may the Lord give you his peace." Consequently, the peace that Francis preaches is the peace that God offers to all men.

Full novena to Saint Francis:
