Timeline life of Saint Clare


1193 - December 13
Clare Favarone is born

1200 - Civil War of Assisi
Clare's family is exiled to Perugia.

1205 - Clare is promised to a gentleman of the nobility.

1206 - Francisco begins his life of penance.

1207 - Francis restores St. Damien and prophesies about the poor sisters.

1208 - Clare's family returns to Assisi.

1211 - March 28 - Palm Sunday.
Clare is consecrated to God in the Porciúncula in the hands of Saint Francis.

1215 - IV Lateran Council.

1216 - Innocent III grants Clare the Privilege of Poverty.

1224 - Francis receives the stigmas. Clare falls seriously ill.

1225 - Francis composes the song to Brother Sun in Saint Damian.

1226 - Death of Saint Francis.

1228 - Foundation of the first Clares convent in Spain.

1240 - The Saracens besiege the hermitage of San Damian.

1252 - Saint Clare's Rule is approved.

1253 - August 9.
Bull of approval of the Rule of Saint Clare.

August 11.
Death of Santa Clare.

1255 - Canonization of Saint Clare of Assisi.

1260 - Transfer of the body of Saint Clare to the Basilica of Assisi
