Novena to Saint Francis of Assisi day 9

Prayer before the crucifix of San Damiano

Most High glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart.
Give me right faith, sure hope and perfect charity.
Fill me with understanding and knowledge that I may fulfill your command.

In the year of the Lord of 1226, on October 3, Sunday, when night fell, our blessed Father St. Francis, having imitated the life and work of the apostles, free from body ties, crowning their promising with the best end In the beginning, he flew, to his happiness, to the mansion of eternal joys, in the city of Assisi, in Santa María de los Ángeles de la Porciúncula, the place where the Order of Younger Brothers was born.


Almost 800 years ago in the Porciuncula, Francisco shortly before his death, addressed the brothers around him, as representatives of the entire Order, present and future. Then he blessed them all, resting his right hand on the head of each of them. He also blessed all those who then belonged to the Order, and those who belonged to it until the end of time (LP117). All of us, brothers and sisters, now celebrate not only death but, above all, the birth, of Francis to Life. We feel solidarity in that blessing of our Father, and we commit ourselves to live in unity and faithfulness to the Gospel in our days.

Full novena to Saint Francis:
