Novena to Saint Pio day 7



From the I Letter of Saint Peter (5: 8-9) 

Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world are undergoing the same sufferings. 

From the writings of Padre Pio

You must not be surprised, therefore, that our common enemy has done all in his power to make you pay no heed to what I wrote you. This is his task and he receives his reward. But always despise him and arm yourself against him with increasing steadfastness of faith ... Temptation is a sure sign that the soul is very pleasing to the Lord. Accept everything, therefore, with thanks. Do not think that this is a mere opinion of mine; no, the Lord himself has pledged it with His divine word: ‘And because you were acceptable to the Lord’, the angel says to Tobit, (and through Tobit, to all those souls who are dear to God) ‘it was necessary that you should experience temptation’. (Letters III, 29 January 1915) 


Loving Saint Pio, in life you underwent constant battles with Satan, and you were always victorious. Pray that we, trusting in divine assistance and with the protection of the Archangel Saint Michael, may not succumb to the terrible temptations of the devil. Glory be to the Father ... 

Advertisement: Pouch with the image of Saint Pio showing his right hand wound 
