Novena to Saint Pio day 8



From the Gospel according to John (20: 21-23)

Jesus said to them again, „Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.‟ And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, „Receive the holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained‟.

From the Writings of Padre Pio

I haven’t a free moment. All my time is spent in releasing my brothers from the snares of Satan. May God be praised. Please do not afflict me further, like the others, by appealing to charity, because the greatest charity is that of snatching souls from Satan so as to win them for Christ. This is precisely what I am doing constantly by night and by day ... Innumerable people of all classes and both sexes come here for the sole purpose of making their confession, and I am only sought for this purpose. There are some wonderful conversions. (Letters I, 3 June 1919)


Loving Saint Pio, you were a great apostle of the confessional. You snatched many souls from Satan's grasp. Lead us and many more brothers and sisters back to the font of pardon and grace.

Glory be to the Father ...

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