St Francis a man of faith

Leer en Español         Image: St Francis attributed to Cimabue (1240-ca 1302).
Museo Della Porziuncola, Assisi, Italy.

We often think of that Francis who has already been converted, the saint, the one who was full of Grace, with a spirituality that still captivates us within and outside the family. However, Francis went a long way to achieve this conversion ...

To believe is to recognize, to find someone, and love him, although we will never finish scrutinizing the mystery that is every person, human or divine. Saint Francis is considered to be the man who has most identified with Christ. Francis' faith can, despite the centuries that separate us, project light, as those stars do, long ago, but which still can illuminate our night.

Like most of us, Francis received baptism very soon (1 Cel 1), but in order to transform that received faith, to lived faith, he had to go through the sieve of life and its experiences.
