Thirteen minutes for saint Anthony of Padua

Thirteen minutes I´ll kneel down before your miraculous image, saint Anthony, to offer my truthful invocation. I have a lot of faith on you because I know about your powerful mediation between you and God. All you miracles are a testimony of it. When we are afflicted you always assuage us.
As today is a big day, thousands of souls will go to you, your zealous devouts, to ask for favors, for we know you´ll grant us many graces, but the needy and the poor will be the first ones to receive the graces. How soothe I feel to bestow all my grieves to you!

I hope my beloved saint you´ll grant this grace I ask for and if you do it I promise to give an alm to the poor children.

Three graces did the Lord give to you: the lost things to be found, the forgotten remembered and the proposals accepted.

How many devouts will go to you everyday to ask for one of the three and you never refuse to grant them! This humble devout wishes his petition to be heard!

Say three “Our Fathers”, three “Hail Mary” and three “Glory Be”. This prayer must be done every Tuesday.
