Ten interesting details of the life of Saint Francis

Saint Francis is known among Catholics and non-Catholics for his life of poverty, chastity and obedience to God. Here, ten important details of his life:

  1. SS Pope Francis expressed that he chose the name of Francis in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi. “For me it is the man of poverty, the man of peace, the man who loves and the custody of creation; At this time, we also maintain a not-so-good relationship with creation, right? He is the man who gives us this spirit of peace, the poor man. ”
  2. He was born in Assisi (Italy), in the year 1182. During his youth he lived a life of rich, fun, spent money ostentatiously and only cared to have fun in life. Until one day I hear the voice of God: "Francis, repair my Church, because you see that it is in ruins."
  3. Francisco gave up the inheritance of his parents and a life of luxury. He dedicated himself to caring for the poor, the sick, nature and gave himself completely to God. He attended the help of the leper, instead of fleeing as was customary at that time. Moved by the Holy Spirit approached and kissed him.
  4. I spent the days praying and fasting. His appearance and behavior changed completely, which made people mock and call him crazy. For his part, his father was enraged and hit him on several occasions and on one of them he locked him up so he could reconsider.
  5. God granted him the gift of prophecy and the gift of miracles. When I asked for alms to repair the church of San Damiano, I used to say: "Help me finish this church." Soon Francis soon had many followers and some wanted to become his disciples.
  6. He is known as the Poor of Assisi for his marriage to poverty, his love for nature. This reflects a soul in which God was everything, that was nourished by the Catholic faith and had given itself entirely to Christ crucified.
  7. Francis loved animals and had a great affection for them, but he also had power over them, as when the little birds came to listen to him when singing the greatness of the Creator, a little rabbit that did not want to separate from him in Lake Trasimeno and the wolf of Gubbio tamed by the saint.
  8. He received the stigmata while performing a 40-day fast. A Franciscan who accompanied him said: “Suddenly he saw a vision of a seraph, an angel with six wings on a cross. This angel gave him the gift of the five wounds of Christ. ” This happened in 1224 during a 40-day fast on Mount Della Verna.
  9. Upon learning that he had a few weeks to live, he said "Welcome, sister death!" And asked to be taken to Porciuncula. He died on October 3, 1226 after hearing the passion of Christ according to St. John. He was 44 years old.
  10. Saint Francis contributed much to the renewal of the Church of decay and disorder that had fallen during the Middle Ages. He helped the Church living difficult times.
St. Francis teaches us to spread that enthusiasm to others and always preach first with the example and then with the word.
