The Gospel heard by St Francis


On February 24, 1209, Francis attended Mass in the chapel he had just restored: Porciuncula. He was impressed by the words of the Gospel corresponding to that day:

«And summoning his twelve disciples, Jesus sent them with these instructions: Preach that the kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, clean lepers, throw demons, you received it for free, give it for free. Do not procure gold or silver or copper coins for your belts; no saddlebag for the road, no two robes, no sandals, no cane; that the worker deserves his livelihood. When you enter a city or village, inform yourself of who you trust, and stay there until you leave. Upon entering the house, address the greeting of peace. If that home deserves it, let your peace descend upon it; but if doesn't your peace will return to you » - (Matthew 10, 6-10)

These Gospel verses would mark St. Francis life, and his mission on earth.
