Apparizione dell Immacolata a San Francesco

L'apparizione dell'Immacolata a san Francesco di Juan Van der Hamen y León

The ancient convent of Santa Isabel de los Reyes in Toledo preserves a vision of the Immaculate Conception of Saint Francis by the Spanish painter Juan Van der Hamen y León. Toledo, Convento de Santa Isabel de los Reyes  (Madrid, 1596-1631)

Juan van der Hamen y (Gómez de) León (baptized 8 April 1596 – 28 March 1631) was a Spanish painter, a master of still life paintings, also called bodegones. Prolific and versatile, he painted allegories, landscapes, and large-scale works for churches and convents. Today he is remembered mostly for his still lifes, a genre he popularized in 1620s Madrid. Juan van der Hamen still lifes exerted a great influence in his contemporaries like Francisco and Juan de Zurbarán, father and son and in later painters as Antonio Ponce and Juan Arellano.

Celano wrote about the devotions of Saint Francis: - He surrounded the Mother of Jesus with unspeakable love, for having made the Lord of Majesty our brother. He paid him peculiar praises, multiplied prayers for him, offered him affection, so many and such that he cannot express human language (2 Cel 198).
