Our Lady of Angels Novena day 3


Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to thee do I come; before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.


O Sovereign Queen of Angels, loving Mother of the Franciscan Family who deigned to intercede for Saint Francis to obtain the Plenary Indulgence of the Porziuncola, we thank you for this and for all the innumerable benefits received by your powerful intercession and we beg you to protect us at all times in our lives, especially when worries worry us; at that hour, O Virgin and Mother of God, help us from heaven with the love of the Mother and with the splendor of the Queen. Watch over the children of Saint Francis, O Sovereign Queen of Angels for the love of Christ, Our Lord. AMEN.


O Virgin of the Angels,
who has for centuries established your throne of mercy at the Portiuncula,
hear the prayer of your children, who trust in you.
From this truly holy place and the habitation of the Lord,
so dear to the heart of Saint Francis, you have always invited all men to love.
Your tender eyes assure us of a never failing motherly help
and a promise of divine help to all those who humbly have recourse to your throne,
or who from afar, turn to you to ask for help.
You are, indeed, our sweet Queen and our only hope.
O Lady of the Angles,
obtain for us, through the intercession of blessed Francis,
pardon for our sins,
help us to keep away from sin and indifference,
so that we shall be worthy of calling you our Mother for evermore.
Bless our homes, our toil and our rest,
by giving us that same serenity we experience within the walls of the Portiuncula,
where hate, guilt and tears turn into a song of joy
like that once was sung by the Angels and the seraphic Francis.
Help those who are in need and hungry,
those who are in danger of body and soul,
those who are sad and downhearted,
those who are sick and dying.
Bless us, your most beloved children,
and we pray you, bless also with the same motherly gesture,
all those who are innocent, together with those who are guilty;
those who are faithful, together with those who have gone astray;
those who believe, together with those who are in doubt.
Bless all humanity,
so that all men acknowledging that they are God’s children,
would find through love, real Peace and real Good.


Oh Glorious Saint Mary of the Angels! Mother of God and Mother nestra, we confidently go to you asking you to listen to us. From your throne, tender Mother, surrounded by Angels, lower your gaze to us.

Comfort our souls, pray for your sinful children, for the souls in purgatory, and for all the sick, getting them health or Christian resignation.

Keep us under your cloak, protect us from the enemy and for love of your Divine son, obtain for us the eternal salvation and grace that I humbly ask for.

(State your request here)


Queen of Angels, Pray for us! Amen.
